Scottish Champs 2016 (24.05.2016)
Kategori: Competition
Kart/område: Balmoral
Arrangør: Maroc
Land: Scotland
Disiplin: Long
Distanse: 9.89 km
Tid: 80:40 HR: 159
Maksimum HR: 193
Took quite easy. Lost confidence near the end with #1 even though my line was quite okay. Then took it slow and was good around until #9 where my bearing was a bit off. #11 when I cba to map read and just ran down the hill (mind wasn't in the right place ahh) and finally #15 where I wasn't paying much attention.

Taking it easy but even still I wasn't thinking much and all felt quite tired walking most of the hills.
Skjul kommentarer (4)
?: Why take it easy, in the national champs?
Alex: I'm aiming for bigger competitions. Yeah it'd be nice to win but I'd rather be in good shape for the more important stuff this summer. Feeling very tired from tiomila didn't help either!
Gps plz: Turn Off the smart registration on the GPS plz
Big man: Done pal
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Scottish Champs 2016 (24.05.2016) Scottish Champs 2016 (24.05.2016)