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På denne siden vil jeg prøve å legge ut kart, løyper og veivalg fra orienteringsløp og trening jeg har deltatt i.

Onsdagsnatt (26/11/2015)
Czwartek 26 Listopada 2015
Kategoria: Trening
Prestebakke N, HSK
Tilbake i gamet etter ankelskade. Enorm forbedring fra 3. og 5. november ift fokus på arbeidsoppgavene. Hadde som mål å jobbe s...
Guy Fawkes / Atomen (05/11/2015)
Czwartek 5 Listopada 2015
Kategoria: Trening
Høiås, Emil
New pen, new inspiration. Working on plan and compass (frequency) for 40 min with a short break at the 4th control to refocus. Hav...
Model Event Long Distance (02/06/2015)
Wtorek 2 Czerwca 2015
Kategoria: Trening
Testing the flavour. Far too sociable to qualify as training.
One leg dh (01/06/2015)
Poniedziałek 1 Czerwca 2015
Kategoria: Trening
Took Ness out to Akselås so she could test the flavour. Went up myself and reran one leg that I'd been dissatisfied with when we ...
Downs & UPS (28/05/2015)
Czwartek 28 Maja 2015
Kategoria: Trening
Easy dh orienteering (ingenting utsatt) with 3* uphill running efforts. Feeling Olympic. Uphill efforts: road 3:26 (avHR 185 mx 19...
HerO intervals (26/05/2015)
Wtorek 26 Maja 2015
Kategoria: Trening
~50 min i3. ~2-3min recovery at start points. OK except for the 3rd interval when I got lost.
Yesterday's TTT (22/05/2015)
Piątek 22 Maja 2015
Kategoria: Trening
Herregud... Hverken kropp eller hode var helt med. Fresh i beina men ellers ganske dårlig følelse. Prøvd å få noe ut av økta...
Swedish League #5 (17/05/2015)
Niedziela 17 Maja 2015
Kategoria: Konkurranse
Bjørsberg - Nord, Bjursås OK, Sverige
(Kinda) Long|Wyniki
Lots of goodness but still vegetational issues to the 2nd last c19 which was annoying (2:20) and misunderstood the circle picture ...
Swedish League #4 (15/05/2015)
Piątek 15 Maja 2015
Kategoria: Konkurranse
Nope still don't understand anything!! Lessons in ISOM and also in not losing your rhythm when you catch people (losing it already...
Ravintreffen stealth økt (11/05/2015)
Poniedziałek 11 Maja 2015
Kategoria: Trening
Gålø, Sverige
Tried to work on fine phase but a bit too tired to do things very well. Cool terrain.
Tiomila damkavlen (09/05/2015)
Sobota 9 Maja 2015
Kategoria: Konkurranse
Skepptuna, 10MILA, Sverige
Staffet, zmiana 3.|Wyniki
A generally well-paced and well-executed effort. Invested some time in security all the way, tried to find simple solutions to eac...
Lørdagskjappen (25/04/2015)
Sobota 25 Kwietnia 2015
Kategoria: Konkurranse
Torebråte, OK Moss, Norge
Mye bra kontrollert orientering i dag. Åpnet ganske solid. Fornøyd med gjennomføring av flere strekk. Retningsbom til 7. (paral...
Tirsdagsløp (21/04/2015)
Wtorek 21 Kwietnia 2015
Kategoria: Trening
Direction training. Not great. Bit drained mentally & struggled to focus. A couple of bits were OK.
Norwegian Spring (18/04/2015)
Sobota 18 Kwietnia 2015
Kategoria: Konkurranse
Isebakketjern, HSK, Norge
Experiment to see if I could run really hard/ fast and keep it together technically. I couldn't. Some good bits but also 6-7 min m...
MoF new tapes (17/04/2015)
Piątek 17 Kwietnia 2015
Kategoria: Trening
Easy training. Stopping at the controls to pick up the old tapes and hang new ones. Really enjoyable and quite smooth.
Prio-Tio staffet økt (16/04/2015)
Czwartek 16 Kwietnia 2015
Kategoria: Trening
Høiås, HSK
Mass start 2 x 2.5 km forked intervals with trasevalg warm down back to Høiås. First hard økt since JK and struggled a bit on t...
Blåveissprinten (11/04/2015)
Sobota 11 Kwietnia 2015
Kategoria: Trening
Bjørneklova, FSK, Norge
Middle distance|Wyniki
Tried to use this as a training at easy speed to practice routines. Not very focused all the way but some good parts and quite nic...
JK Long  (05/04/2015)
Niedziela 5 Kwietnia 2015
Kategoria: Konkurranse
Bigland, England
This was actually really fun! Despite quite big mistakes to #2 (1:30) and #9 (1:00) due to very weak / rushed planning. Also route...
JK Middle (04/04/2015)
Sobota 4 Kwietnia 2015
Kategoria: Konkurranse
Ulpha Park and Barrow Fell, England
Shaky start. Easy in the open. Big mistakes on 8 (1:00) & 9 (1:30) due to poor plans / lack of plans. Tried to fight a bit and had...
HerO intervals (31/03/2015)
Wtorek 31 Marca 2015
Kategoria: Trening
Kanon bra 'stealth' påske økt sammen med Sara, Mats & Matilda. Dessverre ingen GPS / HR fra økta. Fellesjoggings opp til 1. pos...
Kvillebyns Klassiska (29/03/2015)
Niedziela 29 Marca 2015
Kategoria: Konkurranse
Hamburgsund-Jored, Kvillebyns SK, Sweden
Having a lot of problems with the fine phase. Rough phase mostly OK apart from some dubious route choices and a weird lapse in con...
Kort forlengd mellomdistans (26/03/2015)
Czwartek 26 Marca 2015
Kategoria: Trening
Nedgård, Team SWE, Sverige
Snø, spor, skrent. Ikke noe kvalitetsøkt men fikk noe erfaring om veivalg.
Onsdagsnatt (18/03/2015)
Środa 18 Marca 2015
Kategoria: Trening
Last onsdagsnatt session of the season... first swimming session. Tok det PIANO. Slitne bein etter 3 hardøkter lørdag-tirsdag. A...
Nordjysk 2 (15/03/2015)
Niedziela 15 Marca 2015
Kategoria: Konkurranse
Hammer bakker, Danmark
A little better today, a mostly clean race. A couple of 30 sec mistakes, got confused by the vegetation to 4 and lost confidence a...
Nordjysk 1 (14/03/2015)
Sobota 14 Marca 2015
Kategoria: Konkurranse
Hammer bakker, Danmark
First race of the season! Fun! Very scrappy. Quite a lot of smaller mistakes especially at the beginning, silly route choice to 7,...
Onsdagsnatt (11/03/2015)
Środa 11 Marca 2015
Kategoria: Trening
Physically very tired (generally.. that death-tired feeling I've been getting a lot lately..), so I moving very slowly but technic...
N9 #9 Postplukk del 2 (07/03/2015)
Sobota 7 Marca 2015
Kategoria: Trening
22-38. dusk > dark postplukking. More stealth trening. Langt bedre følelse enn på torsdag. Men fant aldri høydepunkt på 39. po...
FTT (06/03/2015)
Piątek 6 Marca 2015
Kategoria: Trening
Karthusk / retning
Such a nice map! ;) Terrain is a bit heavier than it looks here (b-bom) but still nice. Did a few legs well mid-way 9-14 ish. Tric...
N9 #9 Postplukk del 1 (05/03/2015)
Czwartek 5 Marca 2015
Kategoria: Trening
1-22. dusk > dark postplukking. Gikk v. sakte. Fikk det til men helt uten flyt. To be continued.
Portugal O Meeting - Day 4 (17/02/2015)
Wtorek 17 Lutego 2015
Kategoria: Trening
Vagos Dunes, POM, Portugal
60 min piano. Pretty smooth apart from to 10 where I lost focus a bit (getting bored / bit green) which led to a small overshoot a...
Portugal O Meeting Day 3 (16/02/2015)
Poniedziałek 16 Lutego 2015
Kategoria: Trening
Vagos Dunes, POM, Portugal
40 min piano. Helt OK teknisk bortsett fra gjennomføring til 7 - kanskje påvirket av at jeg stoppet i 3 min for å ta en torn ut...
Portugal O Meeting - Day 2 (15/02/2015)
Niedziela 15 Lutego 2015
Kategoria: Trening
Dunes, POM, Portugal
30 min jogging, find some controls, try to do good directon and not get too bored! HR still pretty high for the effort / speed was...
Portugal O Meeting Day 1 (14/02/2015)
Sobota 14 Lutego 2015
Kategoria: Trening
Mira Dunes, POM, Portugal
Coming back from illness. 1st 'real' training effort. We decided I should try doing 40 min without pushing physically but try to b...
Micro 2 (N9 9/9) (22/01/2015)
Czwartek 22 Stycznia 2015
Kategoria: Trening
Høiås 1:2500
Very unsatisfying end to Night 9. Very tired both mentally & physically (legs) so just jogged down to walk one of the micro sprint...
Onsdagsnatt (N9 8/9) (21/01/2015)
Środa 21 Stycznia 2015
Kategoria: Trening
This did not feel particularly good, getting a bit tired of night orienteering, mentally drained, quite a few mistakes and not eas...
Night middle distance (N9 7/9) (20/01/2015)
Wtorek 20 Stycznia 2015
Kategoria: Trening
Bit more energy & having more fun tonight. Still a bit sloppy with control entry sometimes like into 7 but generally feeling more ...
Diamant (N9 6/9) (19/01/2015)
Poniedziałek 19 Stycznia 2015
Kategoria: Trening
Rookie mistake. Low blood sugar. Makes me feel alright for 15 min and then crash. Not that I started the session really well eithe...
The Crux - Night Line (N9 5/9) (18/01/2015)
Niedziela 18 Stycznia 2015
Kategoria: Trening
This was late and intense. Went slowly (mostly walking the uphills), pretty tired, cumulative load plus long run in the morning bu...
Lørdagsnatt (N9 4/9) (17/01/2015)
Sobota 17 Stycznia 2015
Kategoria: Trening
Took it slowly because my legs were tired. Same format as onsdagsnatt. No controls. Tried to be precise and go to the control feat...
Diamant (17/01/2015)
Sobota 17 Stycznia 2015
Kategoria: Trening
Took me a while to get into the map. Did 30 min 'hard' and 15 min 'easy'. Problem was that I am a bit tired physically (leg shape ...
Night middle distance (N9 3/9) (16/01/2015)
Piątek 16 Stycznia 2015
Kategoria: Trening
Controlled 1st section with quite good direction. Did not find the correct boulder at 6. Lost focus. Got back into it briefly. The...
FTT (16/01/2015)
Piątek 16 Stycznia 2015
Kategoria: Trening
Dark, early morning session. Fairly weak performance. Especially the corridor, it is like I am actively trying to get out of the c...
HDNC #7 (N9 2/9) (15/01/2015)
Czwartek 15 Stycznia 2015
Kategoria: Trening
Yeah... not great. Major fail into #2, was on course but lost confidence, then found the Men's control, misrelocated (thought I wa...
Onsdagsnatt (N9 1/9) (14/01/2015)
Środa 14 Stycznia 2015
Kategoria: Trening
Quite contolled at first. Some bad direction & insecurity. Finished the session quite well. Starting to feel more comfortable with...
FTT  (09/01/2015)
Piątek 9 Stycznia 2015
Kategoria: Trening
Staffet intervaller
Fin økt WTG (Kine, Sara, Eva, Matilda, og delvis Emma og Heidi). God utbytte. Dårlig dag fysisk, måtte kjempe for å finne fok...