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På denne siden vil jeg prøve å legge ut kart, løyper og veivalg fra orienteringsløp og trening jeg har deltatt i.

Onsdagsnatt (26.11.2015)
Čtvrtek 26 listopad 2015
Kategorie: Trening
Prestebakke N, HSK
Tilbake i gamet etter ankelskade. Enorm forbedring fra 3. og 5. november ift fokus på arbeidsoppgavene. Hadde som mål å jobbe s...
Guy Fawkes / Atomen (05.11.2015)
Čtvrtek 5 listopad 2015
Kategorie: Trening
Høiås, Emil
New pen, new inspiration. Working on plan and compass (frequency) for 40 min with a short break at the 4th control to refocus. Hav...
Model Event Long Distance (02.06.2015)
Testing the flavour. Far too sociable to qualify as training.
One leg dh (01.06.2015)
Took Ness out to Akselås so she could test the flavour. Went up myself and reran one leg that I'd been dissatisfied with when we ...
Downs & UPS (28.05.2015)
Easy dh orienteering (ingenting utsatt) with 3* uphill running efforts. Feeling Olympic. Uphill efforts: road 3:26 (avHR 185 mx 19...
HerO intervals (26.05.2015)
Úterý 26 květen 2015
Kategorie: Trening
~50 min i3. ~2-3min recovery at start points. OK except for the 3rd interval when I got lost.
Yesterday's TTT (22.05.2015)
Herregud... Hverken kropp eller hode var helt med. Fresh i beina men ellers ganske dårlig følelse. Prøvd å få noe ut av økta...
Swedish League #5 (17.05.2015)
Neděle 17 květen 2015
Kategorie: Konkurranse
Bjørsberg - Nord, Bjursås OK, Sverige
(Kinda) Long|Výsledky
Lots of goodness but still vegetational issues to the 2nd last c19 which was annoying (2:20) and misunderstood the circle picture ...
Swedish League #4 (15.05.2015)
Pátek 15 květen 2015
Kategorie: Konkurranse
Nope still don't understand anything!! Lessons in ISOM and also in not losing your rhythm when you catch people (losing it already...
Ravintreffen stealth økt (11.05.2015)
Tried to work on fine phase but a bit too tired to do things very well. Cool terrain.
Tiomila damkavlen (09.05.2015)
Sobota 9 květen 2015
Kategorie: Konkurranse
Skepptuna, 10MILA, Sverige
Staffet, úsek 3.|Výsledky
A generally well-paced and well-executed effort. Invested some time in security all the way, tried to find simple solutions to eac...
Lørdagskjappen (25.04.2015)
Sobota 25 duben 2015
Kategorie: Konkurranse
Torebråte, OK Moss, Norge
Mye bra kontrollert orientering i dag. Åpnet ganske solid. Fornøyd med gjennomføring av flere strekk. Retningsbom til 7. (paral...
Tirsdagsløp (21.04.2015)
Direction training. Not great. Bit drained mentally & struggled to focus. A couple of bits were OK.
Norwegian Spring (18.04.2015)
Sobota 18 duben 2015
Kategorie: Konkurranse
Isebakketjern, HSK, Norge
Experiment to see if I could run really hard/ fast and keep it together technically. I couldn't. Some good bits but also 6-7 min m...
MoF new tapes (17.04.2015)
Easy training. Stopping at the controls to pick up the old tapes and hang new ones. Really enjoyable and quite smooth.
Prio-Tio staffet økt (16.04.2015)
Mass start 2 x 2.5 km forked intervals with trasevalg warm down back to Høiås. First hard økt since JK and struggled a bit on t...
Blåveissprinten (11.04.2015)
Sobota 11 duben 2015
Kategorie: Trening
Bjørneklova, FSK, Norge
Middle distance|Výsledky
Tried to use this as a training at easy speed to practice routines. Not very focused all the way but some good parts and quite nic...
JK Long  (05.04.2015)
Neděle 5 duben 2015
Kategorie: Konkurranse
Bigland, England
This was actually really fun! Despite quite big mistakes to #2 (1:30) and #9 (1:00) due to very weak / rushed planning. Also route...
JK Middle (04.04.2015)
Sobota 4 duben 2015
Kategorie: Konkurranse
Ulpha Park and Barrow Fell, England
Shaky start. Easy in the open. Big mistakes on 8 (1:00) & 9 (1:30) due to poor plans / lack of plans. Tried to fight a bit and had...
HerO intervals (31.03.2015)
Úterý 31 březen 2015
Kategorie: Trening
Kanon bra 'stealth' påske økt sammen med Sara, Mats & Matilda. Dessverre ingen GPS / HR fra økta. Fellesjoggings opp til 1. pos...
Kvillebyns Klassiska (29.03.2015)
Neděle 29 březen 2015
Kategorie: Konkurranse
Hamburgsund-Jored, Kvillebyns SK, Sweden
Having a lot of problems with the fine phase. Rough phase mostly OK apart from some dubious route choices and a weird lapse in con...
Kort forlengd mellomdistans (26.03.2015)
Čtvrtek 26 březen 2015
Kategorie: Trening
Nedgård, Team SWE, Sverige
Snø, spor, skrent. Ikke noe kvalitetsøkt men fikk noe erfaring om veivalg.
Onsdagsnatt (18.03.2015)
Středa 18 březen 2015
Kategorie: Trening
Last onsdagsnatt session of the season... first swimming session. Tok det PIANO. Slitne bein etter 3 hardøkter lørdag-tirsdag. A...
Nordjysk 2 (15.03.2015)
Neděle 15 březen 2015
Kategorie: Konkurranse
Hammer bakker, Danmark
A little better today, a mostly clean race. A couple of 30 sec mistakes, got confused by the vegetation to 4 and lost confidence a...
Nordjysk 1 (14.03.2015)
Sobota 14 březen 2015
Kategorie: Konkurranse
Hammer bakker, Danmark
First race of the season! Fun! Very scrappy. Quite a lot of smaller mistakes especially at the beginning, silly route choice to 7,...
Onsdagsnatt (11.03.2015)
Physically very tired (generally.. that death-tired feeling I've been getting a lot lately..), so I moving very slowly but technic...
N9 #9 Postplukk del 2 (07.03.2015)
22-38. dusk > dark postplukking. More stealth trening. Langt bedre følelse enn på torsdag. Men fant aldri høydepunkt på 39. po...
FTT (06.03.2015)
Pátek 6 březen 2015
Kategorie: Trening
Karthusk / retning
Such a nice map! ;) Terrain is a bit heavier than it looks here (b-bom) but still nice. Did a few legs well mid-way 9-14 ish. Tric...
N9 #9 Postplukk del 1 (05.03.2015)
1-22. dusk > dark postplukking. Gikk v. sakte. Fikk det til men helt uten flyt. To be continued.
Portugal O Meeting - Day 4 (17.02.2015)
Úterý 17 únor 2015
Kategorie: Trening
Vagos Dunes, POM, Portugal
60 min piano. Pretty smooth apart from to 10 where I lost focus a bit (getting bored / bit green) which led to a small overshoot a...
Portugal O Meeting Day 3 (16.02.2015)
Pondělí 16 únor 2015
Kategorie: Trening
Vagos Dunes, POM, Portugal
40 min piano. Helt OK teknisk bortsett fra gjennomføring til 7 - kanskje påvirket av at jeg stoppet i 3 min for å ta en torn ut...
Portugal O Meeting - Day 2 (15.02.2015)
30 min jogging, find some controls, try to do good directon and not get too bored! HR still pretty high for the effort / speed was...
Portugal O Meeting Day 1 (14.02.2015)
Sobota 14 únor 2015
Kategorie: Trening
Mira Dunes, POM, Portugal
Coming back from illness. 1st 'real' training effort. We decided I should try doing 40 min without pushing physically but try to b...
Micro 2 (N9 9/9) (22.01.2015)
Very unsatisfying end to Night 9. Very tired both mentally & physically (legs) so just jogged down to walk one of the micro sprint...
Onsdagsnatt (N9 8/9) (21.01.2015)
This did not feel particularly good, getting a bit tired of night orienteering, mentally drained, quite a few mistakes and not eas...
Night middle distance (N9 7/9) (20.01.2015)
Bit more energy & having more fun tonight. Still a bit sloppy with control entry sometimes like into 7 but generally feeling more ...
Diamant (N9 6/9) (19.01.2015)
Rookie mistake. Low blood sugar. Makes me feel alright for 15 min and then crash. Not that I started the session really well eithe...
The Crux - Night Line (N9 5/9) (18.01.2015)
This was late and intense. Went slowly (mostly walking the uphills), pretty tired, cumulative load plus long run in the morning bu...
Lørdagsnatt (N9 4/9) (17.01.2015)
Took it slowly because my legs were tired. Same format as onsdagsnatt. No controls. Tried to be precise and go to the control feat...
Diamant (17.01.2015)
Took me a while to get into the map. Did 30 min 'hard' and 15 min 'easy'. Problem was that I am a bit tired physically (leg shape ...
Night middle distance (N9 3/9) (16.01.2015)
Controlled 1st section with quite good direction. Did not find the correct boulder at 6. Lost focus. Got back into it briefly. The...
FTT (16.01.2015)
Dark, early morning session. Fairly weak performance. Especially the corridor, it is like I am actively trying to get out of the c...
HDNC #7 (N9 2/9) (15.01.2015)
Yeah... not great. Major fail into #2, was on course but lost confidence, then found the Men's control, misrelocated (thought I wa...
Onsdagsnatt (N9 1/9) (14.01.2015)
Quite contolled at first. Some bad direction & insecurity. Finished the session quite well. Starting to feel more comfortable with...
FTT  (09.01.2015)
Pátek 9 leden 2015
Kategorie: Trening
Staffet intervaller
Fin økt WTG (Kine, Sara, Eva, Matilda, og delvis Emma og Heidi). God utbytte. Dårlig dag fysisk, måtte kjempe for å finne fok...