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French Champ relay (23/08/2015)
1. CSMR, 2. GO 78, 3. OTB (+Estelle Bouchant, Estelle Tinchant) satisfied with my run. Just a small mistake attacking the 4th c...
French Champ long  (22/08/2015)
1 VERCELLOTTI, Léa 89 2517FC OTB 1:16:02 2 BASSET, Isia 93 6911RA CSMR 1:18:53 3 ROCHE, Fanny 92 0705RA Raidlinks'07 ...
Middle champ (20/08/2015)
1. Isia Basset 29:44 2. Léa Vercellotti 31:08 3. Laurianne Beauvisage 31:56
MD WRE Nationale Sud Est (11/04/2015)
Суббота 11 Апреля 2015
1. Amélie Chataing 28'20 2. me 29'12 3. Perrine Obstetard 31'23 4. Fanny Roche 33'10. It was a bit hard to adapt to a terra...
CEO Media (03/04/2015)
A parte de la 11 en la cual he fallado 15 segundos, el resto lo he hecho bien. Se podía simplificar mucho en las zonas detalladas...
Long distance Liga norte (29/03/2015)
Good race with good feeling except 8th and 9th... 8th: didn't understand the vegetation around the control and missed quite a ...
MD liga Norte (22/03/2015)
Nice terrain, the green was not that green actually. Quite good visibility. One mistake at control numer 2, but the rest went pret...
AOM Long  (01/03/2015)
Воскресенье 1 Марта 2015
Playas del Portil , Sun O, Spain
1st Svetlana Mironova 58:56. Was 2nd at spectator control, in the lead at the 12th control. + 10' at the end. What happened ...
Andalucía O Meeting MD WRE (28/02/2015)
Middle distance WRE. 4th place. Svetlana Mironova 34:53. 1st: 45" loss 4-5: bad route choice, was faster on the left side of ...
NAOM (01/02/2015)
Воскресенье 1 Февраля 2015
Quinta das Lavandas, Portugal
pretty bad start with a 2 minute loss on the 2nd control, got a bit stressed and missed the 3rd control as well. The rest went oka...
Воскресенье 25 Января 2015
Montesion, Toledo Orientación, España
Quite a nice race. Completely desconnected on my way to the 8th control... lost 2 minutes there. The rest went pretty okay.
MonteSión (25/01/2015)
Воскресенье 25 Января 2015
Toledo, Toledo orientación, España
Nice race in spite of the too many annoying spiky bushes all over the map :) Ran in short-sleeved tee shirt and almost needed sun ...