Diamant (N9 6/9) (19.01.2015)
Kategorie: Trening
Mapa/oblast: Høiås
Skutečná délka: 2.8 km
Čas: 31:38
Prům. tepy: 146
Max. tepy: 170
Rookie mistake. Low blood sugar. Makes me feel alright for 15 min and then crash. Not that I started the session really well either but losing focus to 5 and much bigger mistake to 6 - did not have a good plan. I only intended to do a short session (30 min) tonight because I am getting a bit concerned about the total load and time in terrain but still a bit annoyed with myself about this one. Feel that I could have got a lot more out of this session if I had got my fuelling right. The session was directly after our club strength training, definitely should have had at least had some sports drink during the Gimle session and probably eaten a bit more in the afternoon. Bit of a fail. Må skjerpe meg. Eric the Endurance Athlete etc.
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Diamant (N9 6/9) (19.01.2015) Diamant (N9 6/9) (19.01.2015)