British university championships (20.02.2015)
Kategorie: Competition
Mapa/oblast: Devilla
Pořadatel: Ali McLeod
Skutečná délka: 8.28 km
Čas: 57:17
Devilla - an area known for being rough and tough. Pleased to have a solid run and come 3rd, 39s behind. Gashed my knee on a log on the way to the first control, making a big hole in my trousers so I felt like I wasn't running as aggressively as I wanted to after that. Route choice to #10 - Claire was 25s faster by going left but I think my route may have been faster if I'd taken a better line in the last 200m of the leg. Frustrated to lose time at the end by running 50m past the last control - a lesson that I must keep focus until the very end!
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British university championships (20.02.2015) British university championships (20.02.2015)