French Champ long (22.08.2015)
Kategorie: Konkurranse
Mapa/oblast: Corrèze
Země: France
Skutečná délka: 11.6 km
Čas: 76:14
1 VERCELLOTTI, Léa 89 2517FC OTB 1:16:02
2 BASSET, Isia 93 6911RA CSMR 1:18:53
3 ROCHE, Fanny 92 0705RA Raidlinks'07 1:26:35

Happy with my race after a disappointing middle distance... Could have saved some seconds on the first leg + lost a bit here and there (2nd, 7th, 17th, 18th).

The ground was rocky and sometimes hard to run especially north of the map, the slopes were quite steep at some point and the heatwave made it a tough (short) long distance to run! But I really enjoyed every bit of the race :)
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French Champ long  (22.08.2015)