10mila 2014 (2014-05-04)
Categoría: Races
Mapa/área: Eksjö
Distance: 18 km
Time: 92:58
3 : 30"
4 : 20"
7 : 2'
13 : 1' (route choice)
15 : 1'30"
18 : 15"
21 : 20"
27 : 30"
31 : 1'

TOTAL : 7'25"

Disappointed : not pleased with my technique. It could have been possible to run 4'30" faster without the 3 big mistakes. The speed was good though. It would have been nice to have company to push with. I ran alone the whole way instead.
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10mila 2014 (2014-05-04) 10mila 2014 (2014-05-04)