Onsdagsteknikk (2016-04-12)
Categoria: Training
Nome della mappa: Prestebakke
Distanza: 9.19 km
Tempo: 92:11
Media HR: 146
Massimo HR: 169
Really enjoyed this. Calves felt quite tired from the fortress test loop yesterday so just took it at quite an easy pace and tried to focus on good map contact and choosing good routes. James ran behind me until #3.

It went quite well technically but I went to the wrong crag north of the circle at #14 and was looking for the control too early on #16 because I saw a marsh with a knoll on the other side, like I expected to see before the control. Then I realised I had only gone half the distance to the control, whoops. The only other mistake was on my way to the finish, I missed the gap in the crags that I wanted near the pylon line.

A really nice training and good to feel in control and know what I want to see next and generally found quite smooth routes avoiding the uncrossable parts of the cliffs.
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Onsdagsteknikk (2016-04-12)