Lang distanse Fransk Mesterskap (01/09/2014)
Категория: Konkurranse
Карта/область: Gap
Страна: Frankrike
Enjoyable terrain, perfect view over the mountains, open and quite fast, really good visibility which allowed to look up and pick up a feature, then 'just' run towards it.
And the icing on the cake; we took the ski lift to go up the start :)

Had a good start, felt strong in the downhill but did 3 mistakes:
4-5: saw a control 3 curves up and when to check the number... +45"
9-10: lost time in the circle, didn't understand the vegetation +30"
16-17: biggest mistake, didn't have any clear attack point and started to climb up because I thought I was down the control. +2'30

No GPS track because it was a WRE race.
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Lang distanse Fransk Mesterskap (01/09/2014)