Régional moyenne distance (31/10/2014)
Категорія: Konkurranse
Карта/область: Saint Trosjan
Країна: France
The terrain was nice, the course interesting and the speed great.

I had quite a good run except 2 controls. The main goal was to be able to swich the pace when entering the forest after running fast on tracks + read carefully the curves.

12-13: lost 30 seconds in the circle.
13-14: +3' maybe I got a bit stressed by my previous mistake, I decided to try to go straight without reading at all the curves to see if I could save some seconds by reading less in detailed area but I missread my control desciption and thought I was looking for a hill, so I passed my control without looking at it since it was in a depression...
Then passed the track without seeing it (sandy path) and ended up 100m too far on the big track.

Conclusion: never ever use only your compass if you cannot 'feel' the distance!
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Régional moyenne distance (31/10/2014)