Portugal O Meeting - Day 4 (17-02-2015)
Kategori: Trening
Kort/område: Vagos Dunes
Arrangør: POM
Land: Portugal
Distance: 8.97 km
Tid: 59:57
Gennemsnitspuls: 166
Maxpuls: 181
60 min piano. Pretty smooth apart from to 10 where I lost focus a bit (getting bored / bit green) which led to a small overshoot and also insecure entry to 15 leading to a bigger mistake in the green but relocated quicker than some others ;). Kept it easy. A lot of good direction & control. HR is still quite high for the low effort / speed.
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Portugal O Meeting - Day 4 (17-02-2015) Portugal O Meeting - Day 4 (17-02-2015)