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På denne siden vil jeg prøve å legge ut kart, løyper og veivalg fra orienteringsløp jeg har deltatt i.

French Champ relay (23.08.2015)
1. CSMR, 2. GO 78, 3. OTB (+Estelle Bouchant, Estelle Tinchant) satisfied with my run. Just a small mistake attacking the 4th c...
French Champ long  (22.08.2015)
1 VERCELLOTTI, Léa 89 2517FC OTB 1:16:02 2 BASSET, Isia 93 6911RA CSMR 1:18:53 3 ROCHE, Fanny 92 0705RA Raidlinks'07 ...
Middle champ (20.08.2015)
1. Isia Basset 29:44 2. Léa Vercellotti 31:08 3. Laurianne Beauvisage 31:56
MD WRE Nationale Sud Est (11.04.2015)
Sobota 11 duben 2015
1. Amélie Chataing 28'20 2. me 29'12 3. Perrine Obstetard 31'23 4. Fanny Roche 33'10. It was a bit hard to adapt to a terra...
CEO Media (03.04.2015)
A parte de la 11 en la cual he fallado 15 segundos, el resto lo he hecho bien. Se podía simplificar mucho en las zonas detalladas...
Long distance Liga norte (29.03.2015)
Good race with good feeling except 8th and 9th... 8th: didn't understand the vegetation around the control and missed quite a ...
MD liga Norte (22.03.2015)
Nice terrain, the green was not that green actually. Quite good visibility. One mistake at control numer 2, but the rest went pret...
AOM Long  (01.03.2015)
Neděle 1 březen 2015
Playas del Portil , Sun O, Spain
1st Svetlana Mironova 58:56. Was 2nd at spectator control, in the lead at the 12th control. + 10' at the end. What happened ...
Andalucía O Meeting MD WRE (28.02.2015)
Middle distance WRE. 4th place. Svetlana Mironova 34:53. 1st: 45" loss 4-5: bad route choice, was faster on the left side of ...
NAOM (01.02.2015)
pretty bad start with a 2 minute loss on the 2nd control, got a bit stressed and missed the 3rd control as well. The rest went oka...
Neděle 25 leden 2015
Montesion, Toledo Orientación, España
Quite a nice race. Completely desconnected on my way to the 8th control... lost 2 minutes there. The rest went pretty okay.
MonteSión (25.01.2015)
Neděle 25 leden 2015
Toledo, Toledo orientación, España
Nice race in spite of the too many annoying spiky bushes all over the map :) Ran in short-sleeved tee shirt and almost needed sun ...