Control picking Tveteskogen (2016-02-02)
Típus: Trening
Táv: 9.3 km
Idő: 73:16
Control picking on the most western hill. Basically good and focused training, but still some problems with the compass when it is diffuse (2) or very short (26) or when I misinterpret something :-) (19, 21, 28, 42). Did a short compass exercise at control 15 (see next training).
Hozzászólások mutatása/elrejtése (2)
Thierry: Nice training...
Andreas: Nice ideas should be copied ;-)
But I tried to preserve your style in OCAD to acknowledge the creator!
Hozzásszólás küldése
Control picking Tveteskogen (2016-02-02) Control picking Tveteskogen (2016-02-02)